Thursday, November 12, 2009

Singapore in action...

Minggu nie byk adhoc things berlaku. Me and hubby travelled to Singapore almost like balik hari on Monday.  Reason to do so is bacause my mum suppose to go there on Sunday last week for her family gathering and also to attend my cousin wedding by this weekend. The planning is mum and my 2 aunties to go Singapore by train but unfortunately while she almost in the train, we realized that her passport is left at home during that 'tight' moment. There no way to chase for the passport nor either for train but it solely for say good bye time to my 2 aunties. Tragisss btol la time tuhh.. Haiya cuba la u all imagine..  

Malam tuh hubby g klinik sbb athma and alergy dia naik. I think side affect after makan 'kington' rasa nyer. Doctor kasi 2 days mc because of mata dia naik gatal2, bengkak and merah2. Lepas tuh la idea nak g Singapore tu muncul sbb kesian tgk my mum yg dah terkandas. Dah berbulan2 dia and her siblings create agenda ke Spore alih2 lain plak jadi nyer. Mereka2 yg kat Spore pun tak cukup korum due to unavailabilty of her. So to make it short and unhussle, me, hubby and my son gie menghantar nenek sampai ke Spore nun.. But before that i need to arrange for urgent leave and sewaktu dengan nyer.. Ingat nak apply leave via Peoplesoft online but broadband plak problem. So dalam sejarah Nanis gie cyber cafe tgh2 malam buta just for a sake of apply leave thru online. Haha..

Kat Singapore, sempat jugak berjalan2 cuci mata. Nak shopping sakan terpaksa control coz Sing dollar mahal la skrang. RM100 dpt $40 Sing dollar jek. Mmg tak berbaloii..

But no regret, we have a really nice and fun travelling journey..  :)